
The Coven of Purgatory

Vampire Rave member for 12 years.

Status:  Monstrosity (34.03)
Rank:  Member
Honor 0    [ Give / Take ]
Affiliation:  The Coven of Purgatory
Account Type:  Regular
Gender:  Female
Birthdate:  Hidden
Age:  Hidden

san jose,CA



Bite kimberly101

Stalk kimberly101


I am alone and almost dead... My chakras are at their last, as I take my last breath

Hello, for those of you who don't know me my name is Sarah, I'm 21 years old. I have a son his name is Alexander he's so adorable, I love him with all my heart, he is my world my shining light. I LOVE MUSIC ALL TYPES!!!!! any thing that sounds good I will take much pride in hearing it. I have many friends although I've been on here for a short amount of time
every and any body is like family to me. I respect every and any body I'm great with people most of the time.

I HATE DRAMA SO IF YOU'D LIKE TO START GET THE FU** OFF MY PAGE!!!! just kidding but yeah NO DRAMA PLEASE. I am too caring ppl say but oh well thats how i am if you don't like it too bad for you then. I am very open minded, but FOR THE PERVS ON HERE GO AWAY I DON'T DO THAT CREEPY INTERNET SEX THING SO PISS OFF!!!! ( AND IF YOU DO TRY TO GET PERVY I'LL BLOCK YOU!!!!) Any who I love to be added so if you'd like to add me go ahead just tell me so I can add you back.


I am on and off vampire rave (VR) I haven't had much time to be on. I got a good sense of humor I love talking. Talk to me and I'll definitely talk back in a good way of course.

Another thing I hate automatic 10's you know its like if your not even going to take your time to read what people put why even come on the page/ profile. Me I rate according to the persons profile and pictures I usually like every profile I see so I give tens. I love animals although I am not vegan or vegetarian I do eat meat but I thank the animals I do eat like ( chicken, beef, and pork) but that is all I don't eat sea food. I have nothing against people who do.

I do have a religion I am recently studying Wicca Although I am not sure what tradition I want to follow yet. I greatly respect the religion of others. I respect the religion of others and I prefer for people not to try to shove they're religion on me. I hate racism and discrimination. I despise the fact that people can hate on others because of they're religion, color, or body type. So if you are one of those people GET THE FU** OFF MY PAGE.

I am aphroditie:

You are like Aphrodite, goddess of beauty and love, and not surprisingly, the most beautiful of all the goddesses. With your irresistible charms, and with cupid as your ally, there aren't many you cannot easily woo...whether it be on purpose or without intending to at all. You are one sensual girl. Lucky you. ;)

bear spirit

Your spirit animal is the Bear.
Fierce, protective and forceful with perseverance in mind.
Make sure you look before you leap. The bear spirit is a mighty one, a heart of gold, but a temper that may need to be kept in check.

What Greek God are you?
You are the child of the sea. You are most of the time calm....you can get sensitive and you have a brave heart.

What rose color are you?

You are a red rose. Your a lovely person, but people must be cautious of your thorns. You are thought of as the best rose, though in your heart, you are envious of the other roses, that are different than you

What's your supernatural creature?

You are tiny, but powerful. Some think you're evil, others think you're gentle. You love to be one with nature. You're a very sociable person, wanting to be friends with everyone.

Once your mind is made up you have amazing tenacity and endurance, coupled with the energy to complete any task and this is perfectly symbolised by the raging bull, which stands still for just a few moments before rushing forth, kicking back dirt in preparation. Yes, you do dig your heels in when your mind is made up, don�t you? This can be a blessing and also a curse for you. Because of your grounded and earthy personality, you are able to commit to your path of action and even when provoked, tempted or ridiculed will endure that. But what if the other person is right? Sometimes you proudly and obstinately adhere to an opinion or course of action in spite of others� good advice.

You must learn to recognise that constructive criticism from those who love you and have your best interests at heart is beneficial to you, to say the least. It isn�t an insult and should not be regarded as such. If you investigate a little more deeply you�ll see that the reason you hold on to your position or opinion is because you fear change, particularly when it is imposed upon you and leaves little or no room for you to assert any control over your destiny. This tendency in its worst form can and often does lead to complacency and apathy. Change is the only constant principle in life and it is to this fact that you must adjust, if only to make life and relationships less stressful and more fulfilling overall.

Your patience and perseverance are your most recognisable characteristics. When you agree to help someone or make up your mind to embark upon a project you�ll wait long for what you perceive as the appropriate moment to act and then advantageously persist until that job is complete . You are natural and unpretentious�even when you choose to pamper yourself or dress up fashionably and look your best, you do it charmingly and with grace. Actually, simplicity appeals to you and you abhor pomp and circumstance for its own sake. In fact, you�re not afraid to get your hands dirty and quite enjoy gardening, practical hobbies, as well as socialising and having a night out on the town.

You are sensate and this means you prefer to rely on your feelings rather than your mind in your experience of life. You therefore trust your own intuition about others and are usually correct when that �gut feeling� of yours kicks in. Don�t completely dismiss your rational nature, though, as you do have impeccable reasoning skills and balancing both will make you all that more powerful and successful in life.

Seven Deadly Sins

You are the harbringer. You love to bring things to thier knees and will not stop untill you get what you want. Personally, i'd love for you to my friend(guy/girl) or my girlfriend ;P. hehe

What is your animal guide

quickly comes into your life and then leaves once a message is understood. The time a Message Guide stays in your psychic is relative to you seeing and accepting the message. The message itself can be spiritual in nature, or it can be a warning. The message may deal with a seemingly mundane aspect of your life or it may be a wake-up call for some important action you must make. Sometimes the animal messenger will come during an unusual event and make a powerful statement and others come on the wind as a whisper. A messenger guide can cause you delays or some unforeseen help in your life. They can be both negative and positive in nature for they are totally impartial

you rether prefer waLking on The beach wiTh yor BF ..you are The tyPe that can be trusTed and you are an ideaL parTner

What are you like in bed?

Your very wild and one hell of an animal in the bedroom! You like to be spontaneous, rough and playful! You get what you want and you just do what you gotta do!

You feel free. Your loyal to your friends and family and you stick up for them whenever trouble comes about.

What Is Your Japanese Name

Your Japanese name is Rin. Rin means "cold" in Japanese. You are fairly cold and somewhat heartless. Others see you as mean and evil, but hey, can they really blame you? Someone or something had to make you that way.

What ghost haunts you at night?

Eli is the ghost that haunts you. His purpose is that he wants you. He's basically your protector. He loves you with everything in his heart.

What Vampire clan Are you?

Predetory clan of assassins

You are a wicked clown by heart. You love to perform tricks then kick bastards down the halls of illusions to show 'em their fates. You sir/madam kick ass. Whoop whoop!



Member Since: Dec 15, 2011
Last Login: Jun 19, 2015
Times Viewed: 6,296

Times Rated:363

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Jan 21, 2024

As above, so below, as within, so without, as the universe, so the soul…


You have been visited & rated by Royal Sire NikkiAidyn....
Mar 22, 2022

MisstressofChains was here

Feb 09, 2022


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